​Thaddeus Stevens Society

(717) 347-8159
46 Chambersburg St. | Gettysburg, PA | 17325-1101

Books About Thaddeus Stevens

Life of Thad Stevens
What Part of "All Men Are Created Equal" Do You Not
By Kathy Brabson, Ph.D. 2013
Youth who are itching to meet a "real" character -- scratched, scraped and scarred -- from Pennsylvania and U.S. history will appreciate this fictionalized biography.
Born with a physical handicap, Thad Stevens hobbles through childhood essentially fatherless, friendless and penniless. He comes to discover that all men, indeed, are not treated equally in the early 1800s United States. The journey of young Thad toward confronting his adversity, sharpening his tongue and standing firm against his enemies will captivate students and the self-proclaimed "history-challenged" alike.
Readers will witness mature U.S. Representative Stevens drive through failures and victories as promoter of public education, opponent of slavery, conductor on the Underground Railroad, framer of Civil War Reconstruction and prosecutor of a U.S. President. Observers will assess whether by his death on August 11, 1868, Thad has achieved his mission: To hold the country accountable for the primary principle of the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created Equal."
Books Available On Amazon

Thaddeus Stevens: Civil War Revolutionary, Fighter for Racial Justice
By Bruce Levine 2021
Written by an acclaimed Civil War historian, this definitive biography of one of the 19th century’s greatest statesmen, encompassing his decades-long fight against slavery, his key role in the Union war effort, and his postwar struggle to bring racial justice to America.

Thaddeus Stevens in Gettysburg: The Making of an Abolitionist
By Bradley R. Hoch 2005
The most authoritative book about Stevens's time in Gettysburg, PA. It provides great insight into how Stevens's political philosophy was formed. The book stops in 1842 when Stevens moved to Lancaster and became a Congressman.

Thaddeus Stevens: Scourge of the South
By Fawn M. Brodie 1966
"More imaginatively than any other Stevens biographer, Fawn Brodie has speculated upon the emotional springs of the man's behavior. More resourcefully than any other, she has brought out the objective conditions to which he related his views on the South. Her book must be taken into account by all serious students of the Civil War and Reconstruction." ―Richard N. Current, William F. Allen Professor of History, The University of Wisconsin